“Anything Perceivable, Is Achievable....
So Think Higher!!”
CALL US: 404-654-3571
An Income Considerate Tutoring Center

Response to Intervention (RTI)
Response to Intervention, commonly referred to as RTI, is the multi-level approach used in our center to accelerate and remediate students academically. Favor Academy of Excellence's RTI program addresses student deficits in Reading, Literacy and Math.
RTI Tier 1 is our Universal Tier. Students entering the center will be screened using the FASTBridge diagnostic tool. Students will be assessed in literature, reading and math. Through consultation, a structured tutorial plan will be developed for Tier 1 students. Tier 1 is typically where we place all students functioning on grade level or one half to one year below grade level in reading, literature and/or math. Students functioning above grade level will typically be grouped with students at a higher grade level to accelerate their learning.
(Recommendations for Tier 1 range from one session bi-weekly to one session weekly).
· RTI Tier 2 is our Intentional support tier. This means, through diagnostic testing, we saw an area of concern in reading, literature and/or math. The tutoring plan will then be tailored to the student's need and area of focus. At this tier, The FAE center recommends a minimum of one hour of tutorial support weekly. Tier 2 is typically where we place all students functioning one to two years below grade level in reading, literature and/or math.
(Recommendations for Tier 2 range from one to two sessions weekly).
RTI Tier 3 is our High Frequency Support tier. This means the student had severe areas of deficit identified through assessment in reading, literature and/or math. It is common for students at this tier to function two to three grade/age levels below. The center recommends more than one hour a week of tutorial support. Additionally, students working at Tier 3 will receive take-home lessons designed to continue intervention outside of the center. Targeted researched based interventions will implemented. Students will be monitored for twelve weeks and data will be collected to determine if he/she should progress to Tier IV.
(Recommendations for Tier 3 range begin with two weekly sessions and may progress).
RTI Tier 4 is our Intensive Support tier. At this tier, students will receive additional educational testing using the WISC-IV and the WIAT. These assessments provide insight into cognitive functioning as well as a more in-depth review of your student's achievement abilities. Interventions include continued progress monitoring, data collection, and targeted instruction. This is also the level at which Super Saturdays are recommended so that we can offer intensive one on one intervention.
Small Group Tutoring
Small group learning is an effective method by which learning takes place among a limited number of participants. Favor Academy of Excellence, Inc. subscribes to this model for tutoring. Groups typically do not exceed 4-6 students.
Benefits of Small Group Tutoring
o Social – provides social contact with peers and teachers as a way of learning with and from each other.
o Educational - provides an avenue for learning reasoning and problem-solving skills while encouraging leadership skills among group participants.
o Affordable - Did you know one-on-one tutoring sessions can be almost double the cost of a small group tutoring session? Tutors working with several students (through intentional grouping practices) can provide the same level of academic support while simultaneously encouraging positive social interactions among peers.
Favor Academy offers daytime ESL classes for adults. Interested students can develop their skills in speaking, reading, English for work, grammar and vocabulary building. Sessions are $15.00 each and are taught by a certified ESOL instructor.

Give us a call:

Referral special! Each new parent that comes in and mentions your name as a referral, will earn you a $5.00 referral credit. This may be added to a new student's diagnostic assessment or a current student's learning session. Interested new parents may complete a consultation form below. Help us spread today!